
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013


The origins of mount Tangkuban Perahu, associated with Sangkuriang legend, narrated in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi. To thwart his intentions to marry her, Dayang Sumbi stipulating that Sangkuriang make the boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed upside-down. The boat is then formed mount Tangkuban Parahu.

This Tangkuban Perahu including active volcanoes whose status is constantly monitored by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some crater is still showing signs of activity of this mountain. Among the signs of volcanic activity is the appearance of sulfur gases and hot springs at the foot of the mountain, of which is in kasawan Ciater, Subang.

The existence of this mountain topography and Bandung, which is a basin with hills and mountains on each side strengthens the theory of the existence of a large lake that is now the Bandung area. Believed by geologists that the plateau region Bandung with a height of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a huge lake formed by the damming of Ci Tarum by ancient volcanic eruptions, known as Mount Sunda and Tangkuban Parahu be remnants of ancient Mount Sunda which is still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Ngorongoro district in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend Sangkuriang which is the story of the region is believed to be a documentation of the Sundanese Ancient Mountain area at the time of the incident.

Mount Tangkuban Parahu have a height of 2,084 meters. This mountain is Stratovulcano form with the eruption center that moved from east to west. Rock types issued by the eruption mostly lava and sulfur, a mineral that is issued sulfur, a mineral that was issued when the mountain is not active is sulfur vapor. The average daily temperature is 17 ° C during the day, and 2 ° C at night.

~~~~~~~ Thank's ~~~~~~~

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013


Wedang Ronde, the name of a traditional beverage that is known in the mainly Central Java city of Solo. Drinks is a fusion of various traditional spices Indonesia is very suitable to be drunk in winter. In the city of Solo is commonly sold drinks at night, for people who likes to stay up all night enjoying the atmosphere.
If you want to enjoy wedang ronde without having to go to the food stalls, you can make it at home. The following is how to make wedang ronde.

The ingredients / condiments:

Ingredient for ronde:
150 grams of white glutinous rice flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
135 ml warm water
2 drops of green dye
2 drops of red dye chili

ingredient for contents:
50 grams of peeled peanuts, roasted
25 grams of sugar
1/8 teaspoon of salt

Syrup of Ginger:
2,000 ml of water
400 grams of sugar
400 grams of ginger, burnt, crushed
1 teaspoon of salt
4 pieces of pandan leaves
6 stalks lemongrass, crushed

200 grams and fro, boiled, sliced
3 pieces of white bread without skin, cut in squares
25 grams of red pearl sago
1 can (200 grams) of longan, drained

How to make:

Contents, blender warm peanuts, sugar, and salt until blended. Shape into small spheres. Set aside.
Ronde, mix glutinous rice flour and salt. Stir well. Add a little warm water, stirring until smooth.
Divide the dough into three parts. One part add the red dye, one part add a green dye, and let the rest white. Stir each mixture.
Take a little ronde material. Flatten. Give the contents. Ronde shape. Do it until the dough runs out.
Boil the water. Enter the glutinous balls. Boil until the float. Remove and drain.
Ginger syrup, boil the water, sugar, ginger, pandan leaves, and lemongrass to a boil over low heat and fragrant.
Serve with ginger syrup, ronde, and complement.

For 8 servings

~~~~~~~ Thank's ~~~~~~~

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

The World's Oldest Plant

How many years can plant alive? 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, or 1000 years? we rarely hear the old plant until 1000 years, let alone tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years ...
The following are some of the oldest plants in the world that will astonish us because he was very old. let's see together .......

Posidonia oceanica

Giant kelp in the Mediterranean Sea tops the 200,000-year-old. He managed to overtake Tanzania plants that had been believed to be the oldest.
wow ...... incredible ....

Lomatia tasmanica or King Lomatia

Tasmanian plant is believed to be 43,600 years old. This plant has glossy leaves and pink flowers. Although a flower, but the plant does not produce fruit and seeds. So far, only one of these species are known to live in the wild.

Gaylussacia brachycera or box huckleberry

Low shrub is a native North American family with blueberry and huckleberry plants other. This plant can reach the age of 13,000 years old.

Creosote Bush / Larrea tridentata

This plant is often found in the Mojave desert in America as, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan. This plant can reach the age of 11,000 years. This plant is widely used herbs for medicinal purposes.

Quaking Aspen / Populus Tremuloides

This tree can grow to a height of 25 meters. These plants come from colder regions of North America. He can be aged up to 10,000 years.

Black Spruce / Picea mariana

Plant fir from northern North America. This plant can reach 1,800 years of age.

how is your opinion regarding the above plants?

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

C E K E R ayam

Ceker ayam (kaki ayam) mungkin ini adalah salah satu bagian tubuh ayam yang paling tidak disukai karna ya emang hampir tidak ada dagingnya, bisa dibilang cuma tulang dan kulit aja. Padahal ceker ayam memiliki kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi lho......

Ini nih beberapa zat-zat dari ceker ayam yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh:

Asam Amino
Merupakan zat utama pada ceker ayam. Asam amino yang terdapat pada ceker ayam adalah glisin, prolin, hidroksiprolin, agrinin, dan lisin. Asam amino ini berfungsi untuk membentuk sel-sel baru, memperbaiki jaringan, membentuk antibodi (daya tahan tubuh), serta menyelaraskan enzim dan hormon.

Kolagen adalah sejenis protein jaringan ikat yang liat dan bening kekuning kuningan. Jika terkena panas, seperti proses memasak, kolagen akan mencair menjadi cairan yang agak kental seperti lem. Kolagen terbukti berkhasiat untuk penyembuhan luka, kesehatan lambung serta pertumbuhan kuku, rambut, dan kecantikan kulit.

Kalsium berfungsi untuk mencegah penyakit jantung, melancarkan peredaran darah, sebagai mineralisasi gigi, melenturkan otot, mengatasi kram, sakit pinggang serta meminimalkan osteoporosis pada wanita hamil.

Kartilago (tulang rawan) pada ceker ayam sama dengan yang terdapat pada sirip ikan hiu. Berfungsi untuk melapisi persendian dan diyakini para ahli mampu memperbaiki kekebalan tubuh serta mencegah kanker.

Merupakan salah satu meneral alami yang menjadi penyusun dalam komponen utama tulang dan gigi.

Glukosamin dan Kondroitin
Dua senyawa yang berkhasiat sebagai antiradang alami yang bisa meringankan gejala radang sendi atau osteoarthritis.

Kandungan gizi ceker ayam per 100 gram:

Zat gizi
Energi (kkal)
Protein (g)
Karbohidrat (g)
Lemak (g)
Vitamin A (IU)
Asam folat (mkg)
Kolin (mg)
Kalsium (mg)
Fosfor (mg)
Asam lemak omega-3 (mg)
Asam lemak omega-6 (mg)

Setelah mengetahui kandungan pada CEKER ayam (kaki ayam) rasanya jadi pengen makan ceker tiap hari nih......hehehe......


Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Kuda Lumping Dance

Kuda lumping also called 'Jaran kepang' or 'jathilan' lesson is a traditional Javanese dance show amid a group of soldiers on horseback. This dance uses a horse made of woven bamboo and cut in shapes resembling a horse. This horse matting decorated with paint and colorful fabrics. Kuda lumping dance usually only displays scenes horsemen, but some also serve kuda lumping looks possessed attractions, immunity, and magical powers, like eating glass and attractions immunity against flogging whip.

Kuda lumping dance that is played with a horse property imitation, made ​​from woven bamboo or braid. Nothing in the historical record to explain the origin of this dance, only verbal history passed down from one generation to the next.

Kuda lumping dance reflects the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry. It is seen from rhythmic movements, dynamic, and aggressive, flick through the woven bamboo, mimicking the movement like a horse in the midst of war.

Often in kuda lumping dance performance, also featuring attractions that demonstrate the power of supernatural magical smell, like chewing glass attractions, wrenching the arm with a machete, burn away, walking on broken glass, and others. Perhaps, this reflects the attraction supernatural powers in ancient times developed in the Kingdom of Java, and is a non-military aspects of being turned against the Dutch troops.

The following are some kuda lumping dance, let's see the action.......
kuda lumping 1
kuda lumping 2
kuda lumping 3

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Traditional Javanese Dish Salad "PECEL"

PECEL is one of the culinary heritage of Indonesia, especially Java culinary art are made from boiled vegetables served with peanut sauce. Pecel dish can be categorized as a traditional Javanese dish salad with peanut sauce.

Concoction of boiled vegetables and side dishes are placed in the winnowing bamboo or banana leaves pincuk is different, from the town of Java to the other one. However, pieces of string beans, bean sprouts, cucumbers, cassava leaves, basil leaves, topped with peanut sauce is a blend of the most common. In addition there are variations that add spinach leaves, leaves turi, krai (a type of cucumber), and a sprinkling of lamtoro (petai china). Peanut sauce poured over pecel called "spice pecel" consisting of galangal  brown sugar, salt, chilli, lime leaves, and roasted peanuts mixed, crushed or pulverized. There is also the added lime leaves, onions white, and tamarind water to dilute the mix peanut sauce.

Pecel pincuk Madiun, East Java, is one of the most famous variant pecel. Topping petai china (lamtoro), papaya, coconut serundeng, and fried peanuts, boiled vegetables complement the alloy. Various side dishes that complement is unusual as tempe and tofu fried, salted eggs, liver gizzard, corn fritters, until jerked and pulmonary . Pecel often served with peanut peanut brittle, peanut brittle dried shrimp, soy peanut brittle. Additionally pecel also usually served with warm white rice. Manner of presentation can be in a dish or in a folded banana leaves called pincuk.

Pecel cuisine ingredients:

125 grams of cassava leaves, washed, boiled and cut into pieces
200 grams of spinach
150 grams of green beans, cut into small pieces
225 grams bean sprouts
150 grams of cabbage

Pecel Cuisine Seasoning:

250 grams of peanuts, fried
11 pieces of green chili
3 cloves of garlic
3 pieces of lime leaves, discard the bones
2 tablespoons tamarind water
Sliced ​​5 tablespoons brown sugar or to taste
galangal to taste
Salt to taste
Sufficient water

How to make Pecel cuisine:

-Boil each ingredient separately
-Fried chili, garlic, lime leaves and galangal
-Blend the spices that have been fried with brown sugar and roasted peanuts until smooth
-Add tamarind water, stir well, put them in a small jar
-Take a little spice pecel, mixed with enough water
-Arrange the vegetables that have been boiled in a plate and pour the seasoning on it
-pecel ready to serve

and now it's time to eat ..... Bon Appetit ....hehehe...........


Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Borobudur Tample

Borobudur, or Barabudur, is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside a perforated stupa.

Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty, the temple's design in Gupta architecture reflects India's influence on the region. It also depicts the gupta style from India and shows influence of Buddhism as well as Hinduism. The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path around the monument and ascends to the top through three levels symbolic of Buddhist cosmology: Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). The monument guides pilgrims through an extensive system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the walls and the balustrades.

Evidence suggest Borobudur was constructed in the 9th century and abandoned following the 14th century decline of Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam. Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, then the British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction.

In Indonesian, ancient temples are referred to as candi; thus locals refer to "Borobudur Temple" as Candi Borobudur. The term candi also loosely describes ancient structures, for example gates and baths. The origins of the name Borobudur however are unclear, although the original names of most ancient Indonesian temples are no longer known. The name Borobudur was first written in Sir Thomas Raffles' book on Javan history. Raffles wrote about a monument called borobudur, but there are no older documents suggesting the same name. The only old Javanese manuscript that hints at the monument as a holy Buddhist sanctuary is Nagarakretagama, written by Mpu Prapanca in 1365.

The name Bore-Budur, and thus BoroBudur, is thought[by whom?] to have been written by Raffles in English grammar to mean the nearby village of Bore; most candi are named after a nearby village. If it followed Javanese language, the monument should have been named 'BudurBoro'. Raffles also suggested that 'Budur' might correspond to the modern Javanese word Buda ("ancient")—i.e., "ancient Boro". However, another archaeologist suggest the second component of the name (Budur) comes from Javanese term bhudhara (mountain).

The construction and inauguration of a sacred Buddhist building—possibly a reference to Borobudur—was mentioned in two inscriptions, both discovered in Kedu, Temanggung Regency. The Karangtengah inscription, dated 824, mentioned a sacred building named Jinalaya (the realm of those who have conquered worldly desire and reached enlightenment), inaugurated by Pramodhawardhani, daughter of Samaratungga. The Tri Tepusan inscription, dated 842, is mentioned in the sima, the (tax-free) lands awarded by Çrī Kahulunnan (Pramodhawardhani) to ensure the funding and maintenance of a Kamūlān called Bhūmisambhāra. Kamūlān is from the word mula which means 'the place of origin', a sacred building to honor the ancestors, probably those of the Sailendras. Casparis suggested that Bhūmi Sambhāra Bhudhāra, which in Sanskrit means "The mountain of combined virtues of the ten stages of Boddhisattvahood", was the original name of Borobudur. 
Borobudur stupas overlooking a mountain. For centuries, it was deserted.
An 1895 hand-tinted lantern slide of a guardian statue at Borobudur (Photograph by William Henry Jackson). This dvarapalastatue once found on Dagi Hill.
The first photograph of Borobudur byIsidore van Kinsbergen (1873) after the monument was cleaned up